Buy, sell or valuate your house.

Owner: Gaston Munoz

Location:  1438 Michigan Ave. Detroit

Opened: 2010


What makes Munoz Realty special?

We are a local family-owned business in Detroit with three locations. We are 5 brothers, our mom and dad, and all our wives, kids, and sisters-in-law work at Munoz Realty.

Why Corktown?

We love Corktown and we’ve always wanted to have an office in this area. It reminds us of places in Buenos Aires, Argentina (where our family is originally from). Corktown is quite special, close to DT but different!!!

How has the CBA impacted your business?

It has given us great exposure to new clients and also generated a network community with new businesses thanks to all the traffic going and coming from downtown.

What are some goals or upcoming announcements for Munoz Realty?

We would like to get more involved in community events, help other businesses to grow, and help every family become a homeowner in the city by providing education and resources.